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First live dot-brand switches back to .com

Kevin Murphy, December 10, 2014, 18:03:19 (UTC), Domain Registries

CITIC Group, which became the first company to dump .com for its new dot-brand gTLD, has switched back to .com.
CITIC, a massive Chinese conglomerate, switched from to in September, but a DI commenter noticed that it’s now back to using
Google searches for “citic” were returning the new gTLD as the top hit for the Citic Limited, now it’s back to
The domain is not currently resolving to a web site for me.
Other brands are still actively using their dot-brand gTLDs, but Citic was the only one I’m aware of that decided to replace its .com.

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Comments (3)

  1. Kassey says:

    I tried “citic” and its Chinese name “中国中信集团” on Baidu and I saw only .com and .citic was nowhere to be found on the first page. Entering “” again gave me

  2. Sridhar Raj says:

    A trickle does not a trend make – however the debate continues. Kindly read my views and share feedback at:

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