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New gTLD trade group launches

Kevin Murphy, June 5, 2015, 14:12:38 (UTC), Domain Registries

A group of new gTLD registries have got together to form the TLD Operator Community, a new “think tank” devoted to the commercial aspects of running new TLDs.
According to its web site:

The TLD Operator Community is designed to provide all new TLD applicants with an opportunity to share their experiences, learn from each other and focus on the commercial realities of operating a TLD – away from the confines of ICANN, policy or technical discussions.

The group appears to be coordinated right now by ARI Registry Services.
The distinction between the TLD Operator Community and the Domain Name Association appears to be that the DNA has more of a focus on outreach and education beyond the industry.
The new group will hold an introductory webinar June 30 (or July 1, depending on your time zone) featuring speakers from Donuts, Vox Populi, dotBerlin, Barclays and others.

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Comments (4)

  1. Rubens Kuhl says:

    Bottom of the page, link terms and conditions, points to , confirming linkage to ARI.

  2. is unregistered….for now….. 🙂

  3. I don’t see how this is big enough to warrant two separate trade groups. Have you heard of any splintering at DNA? Isn’t Adrian on the board of DNA?

  4. Adrian Kinderis says:

    This is simply a one off effort by our consultancy team to get everyone together for a chat. My team have incorrectly characterized it as “forming a community group”. I assure you, the last thing we need is another community group. I am keen to support the effort from an ARI registry Services perspective, however, understand that should folks respond well, that it needs to be brought under the umbrella of the DNA. That was why we started the damn thing in the first place. Apologies for the poor communication here. Let’s see whether the event can have some positive outcomes and, if so, dovetail them into other initiative of the DNA.

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