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Tiny Russian registrar gets canned

Kevin Murphy, August 8, 2012, 09:45:06 (UTC), Domain Registrars

ICANN is to terminate a Russian registrar’s accreditation.
Name For Name Inc, which was given a breach notice last month, is being shut down for basically failing to act as a registrar.
Verisign had already cut off its .com/.net registrar contract and the company was not managing names, providing Whois, or doing any of the other things registrars are supposed to.
Under normal circumstances, a termination sees a mass transfer of all the domains under management to a nominated registrar, but in Name For Name’s case I can’t see that happening.
The company only had five gTLD domain names under management, according to the latest count.
Its accreditation will be terminated September 6.
ICANN also this week issued a breach notice to Visesh Infotecnics (, apparently as the result of a badly handled domain name hijacking.

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