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L’Oreal’s dot-brand bites the dust

Kevin Murphy, June 7, 2013, 09:11:44 (UTC), Domain Registries

Beauty products maker L’Oreal has withdrawn its new gTLD application for .loreal.
I did not see this one coming.
L’Oreal is among the most prolific applicants for new gTLDs from the offline world, applying for 14 strings in total.
One of its marketing executives even spoke at the Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress in New York this March.
Its primary dot-brand is its first third application to be dropped.
The company has also applied for dot-brands including .maybelline, .garnier and .lancome, and generics such as .salon, .makeup, .skin and .hair, all of which still appear to be active bids.
Is this indicative of a changing gTLD strategy — perhaps the company has decided to focus on its product brands rather than its company name — or is .loreal merely the first latest of many withdrawals?

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