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Public Suffix List to get monthly new gTLD updates

Kevin Murphy, September 3, 2013, 15:28:51 (UTC), Domain Registries

New gTLDs are set to be added to the widely used Public Suffix List within a month of signing an ICANN registry agreement, according to PSL volunteer Jothan Frakes.
This is pretty good news for new gTLD registries.
The PSL, maintained by volunteers under the Mozilla banner, is used in browsers including Firefox and Chrome, and will be a vital part of making sure new gTLDs “work” out of the box.
If a TLD doesn’t have an entry on the PSL, browsers tend to handle them badly.
For example, after .sx launched last year, Google’s Chrome browser returned search results instead of the intended web site when .sx domain names were typed into the address/search bar.
It also provides a critical security function, telling browsers at which level they should allow domains to set cookies.
According to Frakes, who has been working behind the scenes with other PSL volunteers and ICANN staff to get this process working, new gTLDs will usually hit the PSL within 30 days of an ICANN contract.
Due to the mandatory pre-delegation testing period, new gTLDs should be on the PSL before or at roughly the same time as they are delegated, with plenty of time to spare before they launch.
The process of being added to the PSL should be fairly quick for TLDs that intend to run flat second-level spaces, according to Frakes, but may be more complex if they plan to do something less standard, such as selling third-level domains, for example.
Browser makers may take some time to update their own lists with the PSL updates. Google, with its own huge portfolio of applications, will presumably be incentivized to stay on the ball.

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Comments (10)

  1. Gavin Brown says:

    Great work from Jothan, living up to his unofficial job title of “domain industry sherpa” (i.e. doing all the heavy lifting while the rest of us take the glory).

  2. Peter Barron says:

    And what happens if an alternative registry sues the PCL for not including it under antitrust concerns?
    Why only ICANN domains in this list?

  3. Tobias says:

    Good to know. I sent changes to the PSL month ago (January 2013) and after reading this I checked on the status and it is still in progress. If they would speed up a little it would be better.

    • Aaron says:

      @Tobias looks like there has been a problem with their cross-checking the authenticity of the request. I just put a submission in and it turned around with 48hrs.

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