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Trademark+50 costs $75 to $200 a pop

Kevin Murphy, October 15, 2013, 16:22:20 (UTC), Domain Services

The Trademark Clearinghouse has started accepting submissions under the new “Trademark+50” service, with prices starting at about $76.
It’s now called the Abused DNL (for Domain Name Label) service.
It allows trademark owners to add up to 50 additional strings — which must have been cybersquatted according to a court or a UDRP panel — to each record they have in the TMCH.
To validate labels found in court decisions, it will cost mark owners $200 and then $1 per abused string. For UDRP cases, the validation fee is $75.
If you’re on the “advanced” (read: bulk) fee structure, the prices drop to $150 and $50 respectively.
To add a UDRP case covering 25 domains to the Abused DNL would cost $100 in the first year and $25 a year thereafter, for example.
Adding a trademark to the TMCH costs between $95 and $150 a year, depending on your fee structure.

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Comments (2)

  1. John Berryhill says:

    My father makes book on the corner,
    My mother makes illicit gin,
    My sister sells kisses to sailors,
    My God how the money rolls in.
    Rolls in, rolls in,
    My God how the money rolls in, rolls in,
    Rolls in, rolls in,
    My God how the money rolls in.

  2. Rob Golding says:

    A huge amount of planning and effort (and cost, mostly being paid by the registrars and therefore registrants) has gone into ensuring that the business interests of the IP holders is given priority and precendece in the newGTLD landscape.
    With the new TMCH nickel-and-dime charging scheme, is it not now simpler/cheaper for rights-holders to just register their marks in every new domain type (assuming any of them ever get launched) ?

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