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DotGreen is back from the dead

Kevin Murphy, September 16, 2014, 19:08:29 (UTC), Domain Registries

DotGreen Community, a popular but unsuccessful applicant for the .green gTLD, has been resurrected to manage the marketing for the successful applicant, Afilias.
It appears that Afilias, which won .green at auction against two other applicants in late February, is essentially outsourcing the marketing of .green to DotGreen.
DotGreen withdrew its bid last October, citing the high cost of the looming auction.
DotGreen’s plan for the TLD, had it won, was to distribute some of its profits to worthy environmental causes, and that plan seems to have been brought back from the dead too.
According to a press release:

DotGreen brings additional partnerships with EarthShare, a federation comprised of the world’s leading environmental and conservation charities; and The DotGreen Foundation, a California Non-profit, 501 (c)3 Public Charity. These organizations will work together to distribute a percentage of the proceeds collected from the sales of the .green domain names to programs that work towards the advancement of sustainability worldwide.

It appears to be a unique, first-of-its-kind relationship in the new gTLD space.
Afilias remains the contracted party and will continue to run the technical infrastructure of the registry, but the heavy-lifting of actually marketing the names falls on DotGreen.
Given that DotGreen spent quite a lot of time in the run-up to the new gTLD application process building relationships with environmental groups, this could be an incredibly shrewd move by Afilias.
Afilias has not yet revealed its sunrise or general availability launch dates for .green, which was delegated in June.

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Comments (2)

  1. Rubens Kuhl says:

    Although it’s good news and a good move by Afilias and DotGreen, I wonder whether this fits into Afilias “rainbow” strategy of multiple colored TLDs (.pink etc.), whether the environmental metaphor is not a story that can encompass all the colors.

  2. Jean Guillon says:

    This is the best communication Campaign Afilias could find to promote .GREEN : congratulations to both Annalisa Roger and Afilias.

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