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First registrar “breached” UDRP lock rule

Kevin Murphy, February 15, 2016, 12:15:08 (UTC), Domain Registrars

ICANN has charged a registrar with failing to abide by “cyberflight” rules for the first time.
Visesh Infotecnics did not lock down within two days of it being hit by a UDRP a couple of weeks ago, ICANN said in a compliance notice (pdf) on Thursday.
Visesh is based in India and does business as It has roughly 5,000 gTLD domains under management.
The transfer lock rule became ICANN consensus policy binding on all registrars last July, following four years of policy and implementation work.
It’s designed to prevent cybersquatters switching registrars when a UDRP lands in their inbox, a practice known as cyberflight.
The registrant of did not in fact change registrars, judging by Whois records.
The UDRP appears to have been filed in late January by a currently undisclosed entity. Signdomains put the domain on client-hold status February 8, according to Whois records.
This is the first time ICANN has publicly accused a registrar of failing to abide by the policy.
ICANN also says that the registrar does not display Whois data in the correct format on its web site, and that it owes some accreditation fees.
It has until March 3 to rectify these alleged breaches.

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