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No, .kids isn’t a community either

Kevin Murphy, April 12, 2016, 11:03:01 (UTC), Domain Registries

DotKids Foundation has comprehensively lost is .kids Community Priority Evaluation.
The company’s CPE results came out at the weekend (pdf), showing a score of 6 out of the 16 available points, a long way short of the 14-point passing score.
Like other “community” new gTLD bids before it, .kids failed because the Economist Intelligence Unit panel decided that the application was an attempt to create a community rather than represent an existing one. It wrote:

The Panel determined that this application refers to a “community” construed to obtain a sought-after generic word as a gTLD string, and that the application is attempting to organize the various groups mentioned in the documentation through a gTLD.

The application scored a big fat 0/4 on the question of whether the community exists and, as a knock-on effect, another 0/4 on whether the .kids string represents the community.
It picked up 3/4 for its registration policies and 3/4 on community endorsement.
The CPE failure means DotKids will have to face rival Amazon at auction, where one imagines the not-for-profit foundation will have a hard time winning.
ICANN’s CPE pipeline currently only has one active application, where Merck KGaA is fighting to avoid an auction with rival Merck Registry Holdings, Inc.
The latter .merck, and Vistaprint’s .webs application, have both also been invited to CPE.

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Comments (2)

  1. Tony says:

    Another correct decision. For the life of me I cannot understand how so many can possibly think generics are communities. Yes, I suspect many are trying to game the system, but if all of these generics really expected to get CPE they are loony tunes.

  2. Mr Bungle says:

    I suspect many gTLDs bidders are trying to merely deny communities. Money talks and the result is no community gTLD is live.

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