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Google offers reseller widget, signs first partners

Kevin Murphy, June 22, 2016, 16:03:43 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Google’s registrar, Google Domains, has started offering a widget to make it easier to become a reseller.
The Google Domains widget has already been deployed by five web site builders — Big Cartel, Duda, Selz, Square and Webflow — the company said.
These companies have evidently embedded the software — a chunk of Javascript — into their web sites.
Google said it handles payment and DNS configuration — pointing the newly registered domains to the appropriate service — on behalf of its partners.
More details are here and here. For some reason Google is using for this program, even though it has a perfectly serviceable dot-brand in the root.

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Comments (6)

  1. Adam says:

    I wonder if they hope to compete with GD and Enom for domain reselling?

  2. Wonder if resellers will get some sort of support from Google.

  3. @ Frank: Google doesn’t know what support is!

  4. Google Domains is still not available in France

  5. Dan says:

    It has begun…

  6. Does Google actually pay any commission or earnings to its “resellers” or is this a case of Google wanting all the business? Apart from Google providing the processing, what’s in it for the reseller?

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