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Blah blah ICANN blah .africa blah delegated blah blah…

Kevin Murphy, February 15, 2017, 17:02:58 (UTC), Domain Registries

Today blah blah ZA Central Registry blah blah .africa blah delegated blah.
ICANN blah blah root blah. Blah blah ZACR blah
Blah blah five years blah blah contention blah lawsuit blah blah DotConnectAfrica blah. Blah blah Bekele blah IRP blah.
ICANN blah blah Governmental Advisory Committee blah blah blah African Union blah blah blah.
Blah blah Geographic Names Panel blah blah controversy blah blah blah blah lawsuit blah blah blah leg to stand on.

Blah racist blah blah conspiracy blah blah blah… nutty. Blah.
Blah reporting blah damned blah story blah forever blah blah bored blah blah blah blah.
Blah blah blah.

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Comments (8)

  1. Volker Greimann says:

    It’s gonna take a lot to take it away from you
    There’s nothing that a hundred law suits or more could ever do
    I bless domains down in Africa
    Gonna take some time to do the launch we never had

  2. Steve says:

    Can’t wait for .blah to launch

  3. Mike says:

    I am pretty sure we could use a Rick Roll here.

  4. THCNames says:

    The best article I have ever read on DomainIncite. Extremely insightful! 🙂

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