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.trust finds a new home with UNR

Kevin Murphy, November 12, 2020, 16:12:15 (UTC), Domain Registries

UNR has acquired the contract to run the .trust new gTLD.

According to ICANN records, the registry agreement was transferred to UNR, the registry arm of the former Uniregistry, back in June.

It’s the second time the TLD has changed hands since it was delegated back in 2014.

It was originally awarded by ICANN to Deutsche Post, but was quickly sold to NCC Group, which launched it in early 2015.

While .trust is technically live, it has not actually sold any domain names yet and doesn’t appear to have any registrars. The only domains in use, a mere half-dozen, all appear to belong to NCC.

Expect that to change under its new ownership.

I first speculated that .trust was for sale back in 2016, after the then-CEO of NCC utterly slagged off the new gTLD program.

But when NCC sold off its domain name assets in 2017, .trust remained with the company.

The gTLD seems to be following UNR’s chief legal officer, Jean-Christophe Vignes, who ran it under NCC before joining UNR two years ago.

I believe it’s UNR’s 25th gTLD. The company has not yet announced its plans for .trust.

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Comments (2)

  1. Jean Guillon says:

    Let’s hope Jean-Christophe invents a new secured email with .TRUST

  2. If the ‘plans’ are like any of franks OTHER TLDS, he’ll wait a few years for websites to pop up.

    He’ll promise “no material price increases (for 5 years)”…

    Everyone will hurry up and make their new .trust websites (ironic).

    Then in 3 years, he’ll raise prices oh IDK, 1000%.

    That’s how UNR (frank schilling) does it. He lies and raises prices.

    He’s the .com poster boy. The .com crowd loves him for scamming. He did, plain scam. He promised no material increases. He did them anyway.

    And the .com crowd warned us it would happen… it just so happens it was ‘THEM’ who inflicted it. uniregistrar $500mm “domainer” “register & registry” premium “ICA” member – the whole gambit.

    When the ‘outstanding’ .comr lies, cheats and steals…oh it’s fine. He’s a great person. Easy for everyone to ignore that. But when it comes to their LEGACY contracts! Oh those are written in blood. The other contracts – trashed by the very .comrs that cry the about theirs. NO HONOR = NO RESPECT.

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