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M+M gets into bed with Neustar

Kevin Murphy, June 13, 2011, 10:11:21 (UTC), Domain Registries

Minds + Machines has committed to use Neustar’s registry services for some of its new top-level domain applications, the companies have announced.
M+M parent Top Level Domain Holdings said in a press release that the companies:

will work together exclusively in respect of all geographic gTLDs pursued by TLDH, apart from a short list of those already in progress. TLDH will oversee sales, marketing, registrar relations, ICANN compliance and other management functions, while Neustar will provide back-end registry and DNS services.

The deal may cover applications including .bayern, .berlin, and .mumbai, judging from the press release.
M+M will continue to use Espresso, its version of the CoCCA registry platform, for non-geo TLDs.
Under ICANN rules, geographical TLDs will require the support of the respective governments.
Reading between the lines, it appears that demand for proven scale and financial stability may have been the primary driver for the deal.
Neustar manages .us and biz, among others, while M+M has a far shorter track record. Neustar has annual revenue of over half a billion dollars, compared to TLDH’s approximately $100,000.

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Comments (4)

  1. birmingham says:

    Great deal for M+M. Nice one management, well done!. TLDH is very ready for new gTLDs.

  2. […] M+M will provide the back-end registry services, which strongly suggests that it does not plan to outsource to Neustar on this […]

  3. […] M+M will provide the back-end registry services, which strongly suggests that it does not plan to outsource to Neustar on this […]

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