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First post-approval new gTLD bids announced

Kevin Murphy, June 21, 2011, 23:33:07 (UTC), Domain Registries

After ICANN approved its new generic top-level domains program here in Singapore on Monday, many people I spoke to predicted a new “quiet period” for gTLD application announcements.
There’s a feeling among some that there’s little to be gained now from revealing what gTLD you plan to apply for, particularly if you’re a smaller player that could easily be out-bid by a larger, later applicant.
Nevertheless, today we have the news that GJB Partners plans to apply for .jewelers, one of the narrowest niche gTLDs to be announced to date.
GJB’s managing partner is George Bundy, CEO of .fm and .am registry BRS Media, which also plans to apply for .radio.
I imagine the choice of string took some thought – it’s plural rather than singular, US rather than UK English (in which it would be “.jeweller”).
In such cases, you only need to pick one. If this bid is successful, ICANN’s confusing similarity rules will make sure that .jeweller, .jeweler and .jewellers never see the light of day.
Also emerging this week, the city of Tokyo has announced that it will seek a .tokyo delegation, and is calling for expressions of interest.
That news follows the announcement last week of a commercial bidder for the .okinawa and .ryukyu geo-TLDs, to represent the Japanese region of Okinawa.

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Comments (6)

  1. John Berard says:

    .jeweler is both niche AND competitive. It will be instructive to watch how and how high the intersection of cost and value will be set. Better than Wimbledon,

  2. M says:

    Another one in Cyrillic (.рус – translates to .rus)
    Interesting to see how ICANN will treat this as they denied the request to get a Cyrillic version of the current latin ccTLD .ru (.ру in Cyrillic) due to similarity with Paraguay’s ccTLD .py

  3. […] First post-approval new gTLD bids announced Posted by Jag  Published in First post-approval new gTLD bids announced […]

  4. […] station managers and salesman……and then to me to see what I thought.  It looks like more than BRS Media s going to be interested in bidding for dot radio How about your company name as a domain name? […]

  5. […] First post-approval new gTLD bids announced […]

  6. […] First post-approval new gTLD bids announced […]

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