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Survey says 44% of brands to apply for gTLDs

Kevin Murphy, March 15, 2012, 17:35:02 (UTC), Domain Registries

Forty-four percent of major consumer brands plan to apply for dot-brand top-level domains, according to a survey carried out on behalf of Afilias.
The research, carried out in the UK and US by Vanson Bourne, found that only 82% companies were aware of their ability to participate in the the new gTLD program.
That’s a high number, but it still suggests that almost one in five companies are still completely oblivious about the program, despite months of media coverage and ICANN outreach.
Of those companies stating that they are aware of the program, 54% plan to apply and 40% are still thinking about it.
The survey covered 200 consumer-facing businesses with 3,000-10,000+ employees and was carried out in February.

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Comments (1)

  1. Tom G says:

    If big brands start using their TLDs, look for an accelerated dilution of .com dominance of mindshare.

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