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Where to find new gTLD dropping domain lists

Kevin Murphy, November 20, 2014, 16:13:41 (UTC), Domain Registries

With hundreds of thousands of currently blocked new gTLD domain names about to hit the market, many without premium pricing, some domain investors have been wondering where they can get hold of the lists of soon-to-be available names.
Fortunately, ICANN freely publishes several lists that could prove useful.
As we’ve been reporting this week, names that were previously reserved by new gTLD registries due to name collisions have started to become unblocked, as mandatory 90-day “controlled interruption” phases start to expire.
By definition, a name collision domain has received traffic in the past.
A CSV file containing a list of all domain names currently subject to CI can be downloaded from ICANN here.
Be warned, it’s a 68MB file with millions and millions of lines — your spreadsheet software may not be able to open it. It also changes regularly, so it could get bigger as more new gTLDs begin their CI programs.
The file shows the TLD, the second-level string, the date it went into CI and the number of days it has remained in that status. When the last number hits 90, the block is due to be lifted.
A second CSV file contains all the domains that have completed CI. Find it here. It’s currently almost 7MB, but it’s going to get a lot bigger rather quickly as domains move from one list to the other.
That file shows the TLD, the SLD, the date CI started and the day it ended.
Every domain name in that list is no longer subject to a mandatory ICANN block, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the registry has unblocked it in practice. Some registries are planning to keep hold of the newly available domains and release them in batches at a later date.
Some gTLDs have chosen to wildcard their zones rather than implement a CI response on each individual name collision. In those cases, individual domain names will not show up in the current collisions file. Instead, you’ll see an asterisk.
In those cases, you can find a list of all of each gTLD’s name collisions in separate CSV files accompanying each TLD’s ICANN contract. The contracts can be found here. Click through to the TLD you’re interested in and download the “List of SLDs to Block” file.
Note that there’s a lot of absolute garbage domains in these files. The name collisions program ain’t pretty.

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Comments (3)

  1. Hushhack says:

    Great thanks for sharing!

  2. Scott Ryder says:

    The TLDs that are wild-carded were delegated after Aug 18th. For these TLDs the Registry can choose to run Sunrise at the same time as the wild-carding, but no collision domains can be allocated until that process is complete.
    For TLDs delegated prior to Aug 18th the Registry was required to do a controlled interruption for the domains on the TLD’s collision list.

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