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Hotly contested gTLDs up for auction tomorrow

Kevin Murphy, December 16, 2014, 14:52:14 (UTC), Domain Registries

ICANN’s fifth set of last-resort new gTLD auctions is set for tomorrow and it’s another small batch.
Just two contention sets — .baby and .mls — are set to be resolved, with ICANN stashing the winning bids into its special fund.
.baby is hotly contested with no fewer than six applicants — five portfolio applicants and one big brand.
Will Johnson & Johnson get what was once a single-registrant “closed generic”, or will Donuts, Google, Radix, Famous Four or Minds & Machines prevail?
Meanwhile, .mls (for “multiple listing service”, a type of real estate listings aggregation service popular in North America) is a two-horse race between Afilias and the Canadian Real Estate Association.
I’m tempted to call this one for CREA. The organization is so desperate for the .mls gTLD that it filed two applications, one “community” and one vanilla.
The community application was withdrawn earlier this year when CREA scored 11 out of 16 points on its Community Priority Evaluation, failing to pass the 14-point threshold.
The organization even filed a Legal Rights Objection against Afilias in attempt to kill off the competition, which also failed.
Having fought off these challenges, Afilias is either going to get the gTLD or walk away empty-handed. The last resort auction does not compensate unsuccessful bidders for their investments.

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Comments (1)

  1. Rubens Kuhl says:

    One domain blog(not DI) published that Afilias prevailed in private auction, in what looked derived from Afilias PR; the post was later removed from the blog. Adding the confirmation of the auction, perhaps this is a case of someone not honoring private auction agreements, which could be a can of worms that might end up in court, depending on the outcome of ICANN last resort auction.

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