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Neustar takes control of two new gTLDs

Kevin Murphy, August 12, 2019, 10:22:47 (UTC), Domain Registries

Neustar has started taking over former dot-brand new gTLDs belonging to its former clients.
It recently took control of .compare and .select, which previously belonged to Australian insurance company iSelect.
Neustar had been the back-end registry provider for both TLDs.
As previously blogged, iSelect abandoned its primary dot-brand, .iselect, in June.
That was despite that fact that it was actually in use, with domains such as, and all resolving to web sites.
Now, the generic dot-brands .compare and .select have been assigned to the blandly named Registry Services LLC, a new Neustar subsidiary.
They’re not the first examples of dictionary words functioning as dot-brands being repurposed as generics.
Notably, took over .monster from and ShortDot bought .bond from Bond University.
Neustar has not yet announced its plans for its two new acquisitions.

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Comments (4)

  1. Yani says:

    The only one that matters is .Com

    • Michael says:

      That is entirely untrue. I have a very common surname, so .com and all the common TLD’s are taken, so I purchased a domain and it’s been perfect for my personal use.
      I have a career in finance. I deal with quite a number of popular banks that use the .bank extension. Some of those banks only use those for employee email addresses, and some even use that extension on their main website. Only verified banks can get a .bank domain, and it is supposedly more secure than domains.

  2. Snoopy says:

    …..2 more collapses

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