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Registrar linked to defunct social network terminated

ICANN has terminated a registrar for not paying its fees and other infractions.

ICANN Compliance, in a termination notice effective August 10, said that US-based, Indian-operated Nimzo 98 had failed to provide a Whois service and escrow its registration data.

These secondary breaches seem to be side effects of the fact that the company is no longer operating. It’s been ghosting Compliance since December, according to the notice.

Nimzo, as I blogged in May, seems to have been the in-house registrar of a short-lived social network project name Houm, which offered users a domain name as part of the service bundle.

It peaked at about 21,000 names before it abruptly deleted them all, last October, registry transaction reports show.

At the last count, this March, it had just 270 names under management. ICANN will trigger its De-Accredited Registrar Transition Procedure to move whatever remains today into safer hands.

Closed generics and IDNs debates are big drag on new gTLDs

Kevin Murphy, June 12, 2023, Domain Policy

As ICANN 77 officially kicks off in Washington DC today, the issues of closed generics and IDNs have already emerged as big drag factors on the launch of the next new gTLD application round.

During a day-long “day zero” session yesterday, the community heard that the absolute fastest the GNSO will be able to make policy on closed generics is 96 weeks — over 22 months — using its “expedited” Policy Development Process.

Meanwhile, making policy on internationalized domain names — mainly, how to handle string similarity conflicts in non-Latin scripts — is not expected to be done until March 2026 at the earliest. And that’s through an “expedited” PDP that has already been running for over two years.

The predicted closed generics timetable (on page 16 of this PDF presentation) is actually relatively aggressive compared to the two previous EPDPs (on post-GDPR Whois policy) that the GNSO has previously completed.

It only calls for 36 weeks — about eight months — for the actual working group deliberations, for example, compared to the 48 weeks the equally controversial Whois EPDP took a few years ago.

But the expected duration prompted some criticism yesterday from those wondering why, for example, a “call for volunteers” needs to take as long as three months to carry out.

The timetable was written up prior to the publication over the weekend of a draft framework for closed generics (pdf), which lays out a few dozen principles that should be taken into account in subsequent EPDP work.

With what looks like a certain amount of wheel-reinvention, the document describes a points-based system for determining whether an applicant is worthy of a closed generic. It seems to be based quite a lot on the process used to assess “Community” applications in the 2012 round.

The framework was created in private over the last six months by a cross-community group of 14 people from the GNSO and Governmental Advisory Committee. Chatham House rules applied, so we don’t know exactly whose opinions made it into the final draft. But it exists now, and at first glance it looks like a decent starting point for a closed generics policy.

The major issue is that the work, at its core, is about predicting and preemptively shutting down all the ways devious corporate marketing people might try to blag themselves a closed generic for competitive or defensive purposes, rather than for the public interest, and I’m not sure that’s possible.

Discussion on closed generics will continue this week at ICANN 77, including a session that starts around about the same time I’m hitting publish on this article.

New gTLD registry gets second ICANN breach notice

A new gTLD registry has become the second to receive a second ICANN breach notice from ICANN.

Asia Green IT System, based in Turkey, hasn’t been paying its fees on four of its TLDs, ICANN says in its notice, and isn’t displaying Whois data in the required format.

The gTLDs concerned are .nowruz (Iranian New Year), .pars (refers to Persia/Iran), .shia (a branch of Islam), and .همراه (.xn--mgbt3dhd, appears to mean something like “comrade” in Persian).

ICANN has given the company until July 5 to pay up or risk having its contracts terminated.

No domains would be at risk if that were to happen — none of the four TLDs has launched. Each has a single domain in its zone file, despite being in the root for several years.

Asia Green was hit with a similar notice in 2019, which it ultimately resolved. among domains in NamesCon auction

Kevin Murphy, May 18, 2023, Domain Sales

Right Of The Dot has published the list of domains it hopes to help auction off during the forthcoming NamesCon 2023 conference in Texas, and my highlight has to be

ROTD said in a press release that the headline lots of the auction, which seems to have 451 listed domains, are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, god.eth,,,,,, rap.hipHop,, and

While is certainly not the domain with the best monetization/development potential, it catches the eye due to the fantastically divisive nature of the word itself, which is coming to dominate culture-wars political bullshit in the English-speaking world.

While “woke” ideology is arguably simply a modern restatement of the Golden Rule, it can mean very different things to different people — at one extreme it means welcoming the reintroduction of racial segregation and getting people fired for wearing a hat, and at the other it means buying a closet full of AR-15s because drag queens are coming to cut off your son’s penis.

The algorithm at the parking page it currently points to thinks it relates to beds.

It’s going to be fascinating to see who, if anyone, buys it, and what they do with it. It’s listed with a starting bid north of $250,000. and both have starting bids above $1.5 million, while starts at over $1 million.

The auction runs online at and live at NamesCon for the next three weeks.

Another registrar seemingly vanishes

An accredited registrar appears to have gone bust after its parent company failed.

ICANN has sent a breach notice to Nimzo 98, which while registered as an LLC in the US appears to be Indian-operated, saying the company has not paid its fees and the Compliance folk haven’t been able to reach management since December.

The notice also complains that the company isn’t providing a Whois service as required, which may be a polite way of saying that the entire web site is down — it’s not resolving properly for me.

Digging into the data a little, it seems Nimzo was the in-house registrar of a company called Houm that, according to its press releases, was operating some kind of privacy-oriented social network slash cloud storage service.

Part of Houm’s offering was a personal domain name, which came bundled as part of the monthly service fee.

When Houm seriously started promoting its service last year, it appears to have led to a spike in registrations via Nimzo. Most of its domains were concentrated in new gTLDs such as .live, .xyz, .earth, .world and .space.

Having consistently registered no more than a couple hundred gTLD names per month for years, there was a sudden spike to over 5,000 in July and 12,000 in August, peaking Nimzo’s total domains at 21,000 that month.

But then, in October, the registrar deleted almost all of its names. It went from 21,000 domains under management in August to 190 at the end of October. These were not grace-period deletes, so fees would have been applicable.

Houm’s web site at also appears inoperable today, showing a server error when I access it, and its Twitter account has been silent since last August.

ICANN has given Nimzo until May 22 to pay up or lose its accrediation.

ICANN signs Whois’ death warrant in new contracts

Kevin Murphy, May 3, 2023, Domain Policy

Whois as we have known it for decades will be phased out of gTLDs over the next couple of years, after ICANN approved changes to its contracts at the weekend.

The board of directors signed off on amendments to the base Registry Agreement and Registrar Accreditation Agreement after they were approved by the requisite majority of registries and registrars earlier this year.

The changes outline how registries and registrars must make the move away from Whois, the technical specification, toward the functionally similar RDAP, the Registration Data Access Protocol.

After the amendments go into effect, contracted parties will have about 18 months to make the migration. They’ll be allowed to run Whois services in parallel if they wish after the transition.

People will in all likelihood carry on referring to such services as “Whois”, regardless, rather than the official replacement term “Registration Data Directory Services” or RDDS.

The RAA amendment will also require registrars to provide full RDAP output, rather than relying on “thick” registries to do it for them.

None of the changes affect how much personal information is returned for domain ownership lookups.

Epik’s meltdown is a ticking time-bomb for ICANN

Kevin Murphy, April 18, 2023, Domain Registrars

There are many ways ICANN could eventually wind up shutting down flailing registrar Epik, but it might face a nightmare of its own when it does.

Epik appears to have been suffering from serious cash-flow problems for the last several months, with some customers still complaining this week that they haven’t been paid money owed as far back as September.

It’s facing a lawsuit by a customer who says he’s owed over $300,000 over a failed domain purchase, accusations that it’s been running its escrow service without the proper paperwork, and claims that current and former executives may have “embezzled” customer money.

It’s an absolute dumpster fire that so far shows little sign of being extinguished, but unfortunately there’s very little about the situation that appears to be in ICANN’s Compliance wheelhouse.

ICANN Compliance has the right to terminate a company’s accreditation — its ability to sell gTLD domains — if that registrar breaches the terms of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement that all registrars must sign.

The RAA does not cover the secondary market, or escrow or store credit services like Epik’s doomed “Masterbucks”.

Ironically, ICANN would stand a better chance of shutting Epik down if its Whois service crashed, or if the registrar for some reason failed to publish an abuse contact on its web site.

However, if Epik is treating its ICANN fees the same way customers say it’s treating their funds, it can expect a nastygram or six from Compliance, if it has not done so already.

Most cases where ICANN ultimately terminates a registrar’s accreditation begin when Compliance gets a note from the bean-counters that somebody hasn’t been paying their quarterly invoices.

Typically, this serves as a tip-off that the registrar is having problems, so Compliance audits the company to see where else it might be in breach, often discovering other minor or major infractions it can add to the docket.

Epik paid ICANN just shy of $150,000 in its last-reported fiscal year to June 30, 2022. If its current cash-flow problem has caused it to miss an ICANN payment in the three quarters since then, Compliance could be another very powerful creditor knocking at its door.

Another way ICANN could bring out the deaccreditation hammer is if Epik suffers unfavorable court rulings related to financial mismanagement. The RAA specifically allows termination if a court finds a registrar committed “fraud” or “a breach of fiduciary duty”.

The customer lawsuit Epik is currently facing could make such a finding, if it reaches trial and things don’t go Epik’s way.

Perhaps a more immediate concern is that the RAA contains another clause allowing termination if a registrar “is disciplined by the government of its domicile for conduct involving dishonesty or misuse of funds of others”.

I am not a lawyer, but I can see an argument being made that this might have happened already.

As Domain Name Wire reported in February, the Insurance Commissioner of Epik’s home state of Washington recently fined the company $10,000 for selling its DNProtect service as an “insurance” product without the proper licences.

Does this count as being “disciplined by the government of its domicile for conduct involving dishonesty”? Legally, I don’t know.

DNW reports in the same article that the Washington state attorney general has been tipped off about Epik’s escrow service, which is also a regulated industry in which Epik apparently does not have the necessary paperwork to operate.

I’m soothsaying here, of course, but any future disciplinary action from Epik’s local AG could well give ICANN Compliance another deaccreditation trigger to pull.

There are multiple excuses Compliance could find to shitcan Epik over the coming months, but let’s look at the downside for ICANN if it does.

Epik has built itself up in recent years as the go-to “free speech” registrar. It’s welcomed, even courted, multiple registrants that have had their domains banished from other registrars for their sites’ controversial content.

That pretty much always means “far-right” content, of course.

Most recently, it took the business of, a forum accused of allowing member to doxx and issue death threats against transgender rights activists.

It’s previously been associated with domains for similarly controversial registrants including Andrew Tate, Infowars, 8chan, Gab and The Daily Stormer.

When Monster was replaced by current CEO Brian Royce last September, the company made a big deal about how the new guy and the old guy were aligned on the free speech issue. Royce has subsequently echoed those thoughts.

Given the narrative Epik has created around itself, can you imagine how a certain section of the online public, namely the fringe of the American right-wing, would react if ICANN essentially shut down the “free speech registrar”?

ICANN has for many years faced misinformed criticism that it has the power to take down web sites it does not agree with, that it acts as a gatekeeper for the internet, that it is or risks becoming the internet’s “content police”.

If ICANN were to deaccredit Epik, removing its ability to sell most domain names, it would be incredibly easy to construct a narrative that a bunch of Californian liberals are trying to destroy “free speech” by taking down loads of right-leaning web sites.

It wouldn’t be true, of course, but the notion would only need to be propagated by a clueless Congressperson, a disingenuous podcast host, or a sustained social media campaign, before ICANN’s very raison d’être came under focus by people who don’t particularly care about facts.

Verisign’s .net contract up for public comment

Kevin Murphy, April 13, 2023, Domain Registries

ICANN intends to renew Verisign’s contract to run the .net gTLD and has opened the revised deal for public comment.

At first glance, there doesn’t appear to be anything massively controversial about the proposed changes, so we probably shouldn’t expect the same kind of outrage similar contract renewals have solicited in the past.

A great deal of the changes relate to the sunsetting of the Whois protocol and its replacement with the functionally similar RDAP, something set to become part of all gTLD contracts, legacy and new, soon.

The only money-related change of note is the agreement that Verisign will pay pro-rated portions of the $0.75 annual ICANN transaction fee when it sells its Consolidate service, which allows registrants to synchronize their expiry dates for convenience.

That provision is already in the .com contract, and Verisign has agreed to back-date the payments to May 1, 2020, around about the same time the .com contract was signed.

The controversial side-deal under which Verisign agreed to pay ICANN $4 million a year for five years is also being amended, but the duration and amount of money do not appear to be changing.

The new Registry Agreement also includes Public Interest Commitments for the first time. Verisign has agreed to two PICs common to all new gTLD RAs governing prohibitions on abusive behaviors.

The deal would extend Verisign’s oversight for six years, to June 30, 2029. It’s open for public comment until May 25.

The end of “do-nothing” ICANN?

Kevin Murphy, March 23, 2023, Domain Policy

ICANN’s new gTLD program hit a remarkable milestone earlier this month. Measured from the 2012 application window, on March 6 it officially overtook NASA’s Apollo Program, which put a dozen humans on the moon, in terms of duration.

But some in the community coming out of ICANN 76 last week appear to be cautiously optimistic that the days of the “do-nothing” ICANN, entirely too wrapped up in pointless bureaucracy and navel-gazing, may be coming to a close under its new leadership.

As I reported in January 2022, at that point ICANN hadn’t implemented a policy in over five years and didn’t seem to be close to actually getting stuff done.

That sentiment was reflected at a Cancun open-mic session last week, when 20-year community member Jordyn Buchanan, who works for Google and said he’d taken a five-year break from the ICANN process, spoke up.

“It’s not so great when I look at the substantive progress that has been made — or rather that hasn’t been made — in the past few years, or really over the past decade or so,” he told the board.

He gave several examples, not least the new gTLD program, where ICANN has been procrastinating for years.

“Consistently across the board, I think we see examples of where we’re just not living up to the vision of ICANN as being an entity that could be more responsive and more rapid looking at technological changes,” he said.

The only area where progress has been made is Whois, and that’s only because ICANN’s hand was forced by European Union legislation, he said.

Board member Chris Chapman, at his first full ICANN meeting in the role, responded positively to the feedback, stating: “There’s a real realization internally within the board that there have got to be more efficient, effective, and timely deliverables.”

Directors including interim CEO Sally Costerton and chair Tripti Sinha, made similar noises throughout the week, repeatedly invoking the idea of an “inflection point” for the institution, which faces increasing pressures from governments and other external forces.

The noises were encouraging to some.

The GNSO Council decided as the Cancun meeting closed to send a letter to Sinha and Costerton, both relatively recent appointments, observing “there seems to be a noticeable change, maybe even a cultural change, towards ‘getting things done’.”

The Council will express its support for “this spirit of pragmatism and delivery” and encourage ICANN to continue along the same lines.

Council’s spirits appear to have been raised by the ICANN’s board’s touring stakeholder bilaterals last week with questions about how ICANN can be more “agile”, particularly through the use of “small teams” to answer narrow policy problems.

Such a practice has been used in areas such as DNS abuse, and its arguably in use today answering the closed generics question.

Community members also used these sessions to express dissatisfaction with the lumbering Operational Design Assessments that have delayed Whois reform and the new gTLD program, suggesting that ODA work in future could run in parallel with the Policy Development Processes they seek to assess.

So, it seems pretty clear that ICANN’s new leadership used ICANN 76 send the signals they needed to send to get the community on board with their program.

Whether this honeymoon-period energy will lead to real change or gradually wither away under 25 years of accumulated labyrinthine bureaucracy, institutional lethargy, and personal beefs remains to be seen.

But this isn’t rocket science.

Whois disclosure system coming this year?

Kevin Murphy, March 2, 2023, Domain Tech

ICANN has approved the creation of a Whois Disclosure System, almost six years after Europe’s GDPR rules tore up the rule book on Whois access.

The system is likely to face a name change before going live, due to the fact that it does not guarantee, nor process, the disclosure of private Whois data.

The board of directors passed a resolution February 27, a month later than expected, “to develop and launch the WHOIS Disclosure System (System) as requested by the GNSO Council within 11 months from the date of this resolution.”

That’s two months longer than earlier anticipated, but we’re still looking potentially at a live system that people can sign up for and use a year from now.

The system is expected to be based on the Centralized Zone Data Service that many of us have been using to request and download gTLD zone files for the last decade. While not perfect, CZDS gets the job done and has improved over the years.

The technology will be adapted to create what essentially amounts to a ticketing system, allowing the likes of IP lawyers to request unredacted Whois records. The requests would then be forwarded to the relevant registrar.

It’s an incredibly trimmed-down version of what Whois users had been asking for. Participation is voluntary on both sides of the transaction, and registrars are under no new obligations to approve requests.

If nobody uses the system, it could be turned off. ICANN Org has only been directed to run it for “for up to two years”. ICANN will collect and publish usage data to figure out whether it’s worth the quite substantial number of hours and dollars that have already gone into its development.

The actual cost of development and operation had been pegged at $3.3 million, but the board’s resolution states that most of the cost will be existing staff and excess costs will come from the Supplemental Fund for Implementation of Community Recommendations (SFICR).