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ICANN just put a date on the next new gTLD round

Kevin Murphy, May 23, 2023, Domain Policy

ICANN has just penciled in a date for the next round of new gTLD applications for the first time, but it’s already upsetting some people who think it’s not aggressive enough.

Org has released its draft Implementation Plan for the next round, which would see it launch in May 2026, three years from now.

The date seems to have been set from the top. The plan refers to “the Board’s desire to launch the next round by May 2026”.

The plan sets out the timeline by which community members will work with staff to turn the community’s policy recommendations into the rules and procedures for accepting and processing gTLD applications.

This cross-community Implementation Review Team will write the next Applicant Guidebook — the new gTLD’s program’s Holy Quran.

The plan covers the 98 policy recommendations already approved by the ICANN board of directors, it will be updated when or if the board approves the 38 recommendations currently considered “pending”.

The work would be split into eight “modules”, corresponding to the sections of the AGB, and the IRT would tackle each in turn, meeting mostly via Zoom for a couple hours once a week.

The modules would be split into about 40 topics, each covering a group of related recommendations, and each topic would be discussed for two meetings, with Org-drafted text undergoing first and second “readings” by the IRT.

The first module would take seven months to complete, timed from this month, and each subsequent module would take three to four months after the completion of the preceding module, according to the draft plan.

Above and beyond that timetable, the IRT has certain external dependencies, such as the work being done with governments on the “closed generics” issue, the plan notes.

After the AGB is published, ICANN would need to carry out other work, such as subjecting the AGB to public comment, then marketing the program for four months, before an application window would open.

The timeline has been received negatively by pretty much everyone on the IRT expressing a view on mailing list or Zoom chatter so far, with some asking why the modules have to be tackled sequentially rather than in parallel work tracks.

Some have also pointed out that an IRT lasting over two years risks participant attrition, a frequent problem with ICANN’s interminable policy-making work.

The IRT comprises dozens of volunteers from all sections of the community, though the most-engaged tend to be the lawyers and consultants who stand to make money advising large enterprises on their dot-brand applications.

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Three more straggler new gTLDs coming soon

Three more new gTLDs from three different registries are set to launch this (northern hemisphere) summer.

Identity Digital is gearing up to launch .watches in June, while newcomer Digity will launch .case in July and Intercap will launch .box in August, according to ICANN records.

.watches was bought from luxury goods maker Richemont, which hadn’t used it, in 2020. It’s currently in sunrise and will go to general availability June 7.

Digity, which is affiliated with the registrar Sav, bought .case from CentralNic, which in turn bought it from industrial machinery maker CNH Industrial. It was a dot-brand, but will be repurposed as an open generic targeting the legal field.

Intercap is planning to start .box’s sunrise August 9 and go to general availability the following month, September 13. The gTLD was originally bought for $3 million before Intercap acquired it in 2020.

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Three more dot-brands realize the futility of existence

A big bank and a big retailer have ditched their dot-brand gTLDs.

Northwestern Mutual has told ICANN it no longer wishes to operate .mutual and .northwesternmutual, while iconic jewelry store operator Tiffany said it doesn’t want .tiffany any more.

Neither gTLD has been used. The Northwestern registry pages contain a notice, apparently from 2017, about how it expected to publish launch plans “over the coming months”.

Northwestern’s gTLDs are on GoDaddy’s back-end. Tiffany is on Verisign. All three were managed by Fairwinds Partners.

Comment Tagged: , , , , , , among domains in NamesCon auction

Kevin Murphy, May 18, 2023, Domain Sales

Right Of The Dot has published the list of domains it hopes to help auction off during the forthcoming NamesCon 2023 conference in Texas, and my highlight has to be

ROTD said in a press release that the headline lots of the auction, which seems to have 451 listed domains, are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, god.eth,,,,,, rap.hipHop,, and

While is certainly not the domain with the best monetization/development potential, it catches the eye due to the fantastically divisive nature of the word itself, which is coming to dominate culture-wars political bullshit in the English-speaking world.

While “woke” ideology is arguably simply a modern restatement of the Golden Rule, it can mean very different things to different people — at one extreme it means welcoming the reintroduction of racial segregation and getting people fired for wearing a hat, and at the other it means buying a closet full of AR-15s because drag queens are coming to cut off your son’s penis.

The algorithm at the parking page it currently points to thinks it relates to beds.

It’s going to be fascinating to see who, if anyone, buys it, and what they do with it. It’s listed with a starting bid north of $250,000. and both have starting bids above $1.5 million, while starts at over $1 million.

The auction runs online at and live at NamesCon for the next three weeks.

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Domainer asks court to block Epik sell-off

The customer suing Epik and its management over a fumbled $327,000 domain deal has asked a US court to prevent the company from selling off its assets and “absconding”.

Matthew Adkisson has amended his fraud complaint, first filed in March, to demand an injunction:

enjoining Defendants from transferring, liquidating, converting, encumbering, pledging, loaning, selling, concealing, dissipating, disbursing, assigning, withdrawing, granting a lien or security interest or other interest in, or otherwise disposing of Adkisson’s Escrow Funds and any other amounts owed to Adkisson, including but not limited to by transferring, liquidating, converting, encumbering, pledging, loaning, selling, concealing, dissipating, disbursing, assigning, withdrawing, granting a lien or security interest or other interest in, or otherwise disposing of any of Defendants’ assets or companies that Adkisson’s Escrow Funds were used in connection with

The amendment follows tweets from current Epik CEO Brian Royce which strongly suggested the company is in the process of selling off its assets. The complaint quotes former CEO and majority shareholder Rob Monster as confirming a sale was being “finalized”.

“If Royce, Monster, and Epik are allowed to sell Epik or its assets, consumers like Adkisson are highly unlikely to be repaid for the funds that Royce, Monster, and Epik and misappropriated,” the complaint says.

Adkisson attempted to buy the domain via Epik and its “escrow” service last year, but after the sale fell through the company did not return his money. He now claims Epik was illegally mingling its escrow funds with its general operations fund.

The amended complaint now includes several citations from TrustPilot — other customers who says they bought domains only to see Epik take their cash and not hand over the domain.

While Epik has admitted that it owes Adkisson money, it has otherwise denied any wrongdoing. After the amendment, Royce withdrew his motion to dismiss the case.

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.web delay likely after Verisign rival files ICANN appeal

Kevin Murphy, May 18, 2023, Domain Policy

The .web gTLD appears unlikely to see the light of day any time soon, after the Afilias spin-off that came second to Verisign in the $135 million auction in 2016 kicked off another appeals process.

Altanovo, which is made up of bits of Afilias left over when Identity Digital acquired the company, has asked ICANN to enter a Cooperative Engagement Process, according to ICANN’s records.

The CEP is a form of mediation companies can force ICANN into when they have beef. It’s designed to avoid the relative expense of a full-on Independent Review Process. They usually result in an IRP anyway.

Altanovo made its request the same day ICANN announced that its board of directors had decided to take .web off hold and resume registry contract negotiations with Verisign, following Altanovo’s original, unsuccessful IRP.

Verisign yesterday said the move amounted to an “abuse of process” and “baseless procedural maneuvering”, likely to lead to “delay for delay’s sake”.

IRPs typically last years and cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars in panel fees, not counting each party’s lawyer fees.

Altanovo believes that Verisign broke ICANN’s new gTLD program rules when it bid for .web via a secret intermediary. Verisign has countered that its rival, then Afilias, broke the rules by trying to negotiate a private deal during the auction’s “black out” period.

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CentralNic starts returning cash to shareholders as revenue grows

CentralNic has started paying a dividend and has announced another share buyback as it focuses less on aggressive M&A and more on organic growth.

The company, which makes about a quarter of its revenue from domains, said it will spend £4 million of its cash reserves buying back shares between now and August and will pay a £0.01 dividend a month from now.

The news came as CentralNic confirmed its top line grew by 24% in the first quarter, to $194.9 million, driven largely by its traffic arbitrage business, which it calls Online Marketing.

Its revenue from Online Presence — domains and such — was up 14% at $45.2 million, and its number of domain-years processed was up 2% at 12.4 million. The company sells both as registry, registrar and back-end.

Overall, adjusted EBITDA was up 15% at $21.3 million.

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Newly launched .zip already looks dodgy

A trawl through the latest zone file for Google’s newly launched .zip gTLD reveals that it is likely to be used in malware and phishing attacks.

.zip is of course also a filename extension used by the ZIP archive format, often used to compress and email multiple files at once, and many domains registered in the .zip gTLD in the last few days seem ready to capitalize on that potential for confusion.

I counted 3,286 domains in the May 14 zone file, and a great many of them appear to relate to email attachments, financial documents, software updates and employment information.

I found 133 instances of the word “update”, with sub-strings such as “attach”, “statement”, “download” and “install” also quite common.

Some domains are named after US tax and SEC forms, and some appear to be targeting employees at their first day of work.

I don’t know the intent of any of these registrants, of course. It’s perfectly possible some of their domains could be put to benign use or have been registered defensively by those with security concerns. But my gut says at least some of these names are dodgy.

Google went into general availability with eight new TLDs last Wednesday, and as of yesterday .zip was the only one to rack up more than a thousand names in its zone file.

The others were .dad (913 domains), .prof (264), .phd (605), .mov (463), .esq (979), .foo (665) and .nexus (330).

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Progress made on next new gTLD round rules

Kevin Murphy, May 11, 2023, Domain Policy

Pace towards finalizing the details of the next new gTLD application round is picking up, with a group of policy-makers close to overcoming some of the ICANN board’s concerns about the program.

A so-called “small team” of GNSO members, aided by a couple of ICANN directors, have drafted a set of recommendations aimed at helping the board approve the 38 community recommendations it has not yet adopted.

The board approved 98 new gTLD “Subsequent Procedures” policy recommendations in March, but was hesitant on issues such as the proposed registry back-end evaluation program, round-based applications, and content policing.

The board had raised the specter of a first-come, first-served model for new gTLD applications, something the community roundly rejected during the Policy Development Process for the next rounds.

Directors in the small group have since clarified that they’re really looking for a “steady state” application process, that may or may not involve FCFS, in order to make planning, hiring and software development more predictable.

There seems to be no question of the next application opportunity being anything other than a round-based process.

Nevertheless, it’s now possible that the GNSO may throw the board a bone by suggesting a PDP that would look into how the new gTLD program could operate in a “steady state” over the long term.

Content policing is another issue that has caused the board pause.

SubPro and the GNSO have recommended that registries be able to add Registry Voluntary Commitments — promises to ban certain types of content from their zone, for example — to their ICANN contracts.

But the board is worried that this may break its 2016 bylaws, which demand ICANN not get involved in content policing, even though the similar Public Interest Commitments from the 2012 round are enforceable.

The GNSO and board currently seem to be leaning towards a bylaws amendment to address RVCs, but it will be a bit of a tightrope, language-wise, to keep ICANN on its ostensibly technical mandate.

The small group has met nine times since late March to try and resolve these and other board concerns ahead of the mid-year ICANN 77 meeting in Washington DC, which starts June 12.

There’s a pretty aggressive schedule of meetings between now and then, with a bilateral between GNSO and board May 22. The board should have the GNSO’s response to its roadblocks by DC, which should allow it to start chipping away at some of the 38 unadopted recommendations.

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Brands ask for cheaper ICANN fees

The group representing dot-brand gTLD registries has asked ICANN to relieve its members of millions of dollars of annual fees.

The Brand Registry Group has written to ICANN to complain that the current $25,000 a year fixed registry fee is too high, given that most dot-brands have next to no domains in their zones and pretty much no abuse.

A dot-brand is a gTLD matching a trademark in which only the brand holder may register domains. Most are unused, and those that are used don’t face many of the contractual compliance-related issues as regular gTLDs.

The BRG wants its members’ fees reduced to $5,000 a year, when the registry has fewer than 5,000 names and basically no abuse.
The group notes that 20-year-old gTLDs such as .museum, .coop, and .aero have a base fixed fee of just $500.

Given that there are about 400 contracted dot-brands, it’s basically asking ICANN to throw away about $8 million of annual revenue, paid for by some of the largest and wealthiest multinationals out there.

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