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KPMG dumps .com for dot-brand gTLD

Kevin Murphy, April 12, 2019, 13:23:00 (UTC), Domain Registries

KPMG has become the latest company to dump its .com domain in favor of its dot-brand gTLD.
The company recently announced that it is now using as its primary web site domain, replacing
The migration appears to be complete already. URLs on the old .com address now bounce users to the equivalent page on .kpmg. Web searches for KPMG return the .kpmg domain as the top hit.
KPMG said in a press release:

The move enhances the KPMG brand through a strong, simplified name, and provides end users with a level of assurance that any site that ends with .kpmg is owned and operated by KPMG.
Since the top level domain can only be used by KPMG, visitors to sites that use the new top level domain can easily confirm its authenticity and be assured that the information they contain is reliable and secure.

The company said that it is the first of the “Big Four” professional services firms to make the switch.
This is technically correct. Rival Deloitte uses several .deloitte domains, but it has not bit the bullet and migrated from its .com.
Of the other two, Ernst & Young does not have a dot-brand, and PricewaterhouseCoopers does not use its .pwc extension beyond a single experimental domain that redirects to
KPMG had revenue just shy of $29 billion last year and is one of the most recognizable brands in the corporate world.

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Comments (33)

  1. Snoopy says:

    This is like going back in a time warp to 2014. Are they the last to get the message that .brand is a dud?

  2. At least they are doing it the right way.
    1. They own the .com
    2. The .com redirects
    We will have to see how it plays out in the next year or so. There may be hurdles that surprise them. There may be a lot of things that surprise them.
    So their new home page is Home.KPMG and everyone is supposed to remember “Home” instead of .com?? HA!

    • Snoopy says:

      It is a mess and I would say they have been sold a line by their registry provider. There is no security advantage over People can just as easily check they are on as
      Very surprised that in 2019 any company is still listening to this nonsense about security and reliability. They are going to have to register (owned by a Chinese registrant) and every address they plan on using because that is where a big % will end up.

  3. nick says:

    HOME.BARCLAYS, again .com redirects only.

  4. Mark Thorpe says:

    Not a smart move IMO.

  5. Anunt says:

    Delete the dot com then i will believe you have big balls.

  6. Anunt says:

    So they went into a boardroom meeting with 20 top executives and said yes lets use
    I bet couple of guys in that meeting knew this was a bad idea but they didn’t want to lose their 6 figure paying job and just agreed with the rest of the idiots.
    They all need to be fired.

    • wait says:

      wait is that no?

    • Snoopy says:

      That is funny but probably 100% right. The guy at the top makes the decision, the rest nod their heads, agree what a great idea it is and wait for the disaster to unfold.
      Here is a question. How long will it take them to reverse the decision? The answer to that is directly proportional to their ego size, given it is an accounting firm it could take years before they admit it and have their Overstock moment.

  7. This is all just too funny to believe that these geniuses with their degrees and fancy titles have no BRAINS or any common sense!!
    And these same FOOLS now have to pay Google for their own traffic. LOL
    Type in .kpmg cuz nobody is gonna remember
    But was easy and it was intuitive.
    Now they got DUMB! and it’s gonna get DUMBER! And they get to pay!

  8. Ethan says:

    Just by reading some of the ill-mannered, indecent comments above, I think KPMG made the right decision because KPMG is different from those ill-mannered folks.

    • R P says:

      “KPMG is different from those ill-mannered folks”
      In what way? Im a CPA w master’s degree in accounting. KPMG has always been the shadiest outfit of the Big 4, and even when it was Big 6.
      Professional accountants and lawyers are on the low end of the totem pole when it comes to digital marketing/branding savvy.

  9. Steve B says:

    I guess it makes sense from a trust pov, but from a marketing/branding perspective, it’s a downgrade.
    Reminds me of the Overstock rebranding fail.

  10. Snoopy says:

    Perhaps the most obvious problem is apparent from the press release itself.
    For further information, contact:
    Patrick Kerr
    KPMG International
    They first announced this plan to shift in 2013, so I doubt any solution to the email problem is in the works. Like many of the other early .brand adopters they have just added another layer of domain confusion. What is their primary domain, What a mess.

    • Ethan says:

      There is no mess.
      Their canonical website domain is
      As to, it’s either their canonical email domain or a transitional one which will be replaced in the future.

  11. Rob says:

    The following classic phrase seems relevant as a result of their “dot brand” decision … “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.
    As long as they keep their “.com” they will eventually be able to go back to doing the best thing for their firm network’s visibility, marketing and branding.

  12. Forrest says:

    “Stupid Is as Stupid Does”

  13. Rodney says:

    Bad call. Not sure what KPMG is thinking.
    Funny that this link showed up on the same page:

  14. Mike says:

    There are some long-term benefits to moving to a .BRAND TLD; no homoglyph attacks.
    Example: http://kр

  15. When I read articles like this I always remember what 50 Cent said at the dotCLUB launch party (go to 1:45). “Now remember, 50 Cent, whatever you do don’t mention dotCOM.”

    • Kevin Murphy says:

      Five years ago, a middle-aged man made a slip of the tongue in a room full of other middle-aged men and late-teen women that the main middle-aged man had paid to be there just to make him look good.
      I’m sure that’s not what you’re basing your investment strategy on, Dave.

  16. Peter says:

    I have to comment here. Moving to .kpmg as the anchor of trust with total control of the environment to the root, with elegantly communicate key messages on brand authority just makes sense for any forward thinking brand. With the increasing complexity of 100s+++ of extensions, by anchoring digital on a Brand TLD KPMG ensures digital brand trust. Using .kpmg or any other .brand also mitigates the need to continually register 100s of defensive, look alike domains in other TLDs. .com is king. I dont see that changing anytime soon – why because it was the first mover and what we know. The internet is in its infancy and to think it will not evolve is not rational. You need the com, no question but eventually brands of any stature will own their own authoritative space. No question there either IMO

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