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TLDH applies for 92 gTLDs, 68 for itself

Kevin Murphy, June 1, 2012, 11:24:19 (UTC), Domain Registries

Top Level Domain Holdings is involved in a grand total of 92 new generic top-level domain applications, many of them already known to be contested.
Sixty-eight applications are being filed on its own behalf, six have been submitted via joint ventures, and 18 more have been submitted on behalf of Minds + Machines clients.
Here’s the list of its own applications:

.abogado (Spanish for .lawyer), .app, .art, .baby, .beauty, .beer, .blog, .book, .casa (Spanish for .home), .cloud, .cooking, .country, .coupon, .cpa, .cricket, .data, .dds, .deals, .design, .dog, .eco, .fashion, .fishing, .fit, .flowers, .free, .garden, .gay, .green, .guide, .home, .horse, .hotel, .immo, .inc, .latino, .law, .lawyer, .llc, .love, .luxe, .pizza, .property, .realestate, .restaurant, .review, .rodeo, .roma, .sale, .school, .science, .site, .soccer, .spa, .store, .style, .surf, .tech, .video, .vip, .vodka, .website, .wedding, .work, .yoga, .zulu, 网址 (.site in Chinese), 购物 (.shopping in Chinese).

There’s a lot to note in that list.
First, it’s interesting to see that TLDH is hedging its bets on the environmental front, applying for both .eco (which we’ve known about for years) and .green.
This puts it into contention with the longstanding Neustar-backed DotGreen bid, and possibly others we don’t yet know about, which should make for some interesting negotiations.
Also, both of TLDH’s previously announced Indian city gTLDs, .mumbai and .bangaluru, seem to have fallen through, as suspected.
Other contention sets TLDH is now confirmed to be involved in include: .blog, .site, .immo, .hotel, .home, .casa, .love, .law, .cloud, .baby, .art, .gay, .style and .store.
The company said in a statement:

During the next six months, TLDH will focus its efforts on marketing and operations for geographic names such as dot London and dot Bayern where it has the exclusive support of the relevant governing authority, as well as any other gTLDs that TLDH has filed for that are confirmed to be uncontested on the Reveal Date. Discussions with other applicants regarding contested names will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

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Comments (10)

  1. Jean Guillon says:

    Regarding .MUMBAI, there is info here (down the page):
    “In the past, there have been efforts to register Mumbai as a domain name. However, the Mumbai mayor’s office did not allow it to happen”.

  2. JS says:

    Realistically, I wonder what failure rate they are expecting, say in 5 yrs time

    • Rob Golding says:

      Based on the overall lack of serious take up of the last main batch of tlds, I’d expect (excluding closed/brand tlds) that under 5% of those applied for make it to their 3rd year anniversay.

  3. John Smith says:

    Hmm, a LOT of duplicates to other more or less well known applicants in here. Interesting to see how this will pan out.
    They also have not included their (partially previously announced) regio-TLDs in this list, I guess they will be listed under their respective subsidiaries.

    • John Smith says:

      OK, need to learn to read… Surprised that only 5 regio-TLD applications made it here, I would have assumed there to be more…

  4. Tom G says:

    I had 90% of these on my list for TLDH. Reverse whois information on domain names can be very telling. Would have been quite a scoop if I had come out with it earlier – but rightfully, the announcement belongs to them.
    Congratulations TLDH – Chairman, Antony, Elaine, F. Krueger, C, Landry. I’m looking forward to following the action.

  5. I thought .tour has potential and none of the applicants applied for it so far.

  6. CCLLC says:

    Commercial Connect, LLC has applied for .SHOP
    Check out for more info!

  7. Ray Marshall says:

    Wonder if anyone will apply for .wiki.

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