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Nominet looking for another director

Kevin Murphy, April 25, 2023, Domain Registries

.uk registry Nominet has opened up its 2023 elections for a new non-executive director.

The company is looking for a NED able to serve a three-year term starting at the AGM in the fourth quarter.

Director Phil Buckingham’s current three-year term is up in September.

You don’t need to be a Nominet member to apply, but you do need to be nominated and seconded by members.

The deadline for nominations is June 2 and the voting opens in September.

Elections in previous years have proved controversial, with members unhappy about the company’s direction for some time.

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CentralNic expects revenue up 24% in Q1

Kevin Murphy, April 25, 2023, Domain Registries

CentralNic has disclosed its earnings expectations for the first quarter, and revealed it has diversified its pool of advertising partners.

The company expects revenue for the three months to March 31 to come it up 24% at $194.9 million, with adjusted EBITDA up 15% at $21.3 million. Excluding acquisitions, year-on-year organic growth for the trailing twelve months will be about 45%.

CentralNic started off as a domain registry, acquired its way into the registrar space, and nowadays makes most of its money from traffic arbitrage — buying Facebook ads, routing visitors through intermediary web sites to advertisers.

Mostly of the money it makes from advertising comes from Google’s ad network, but the company said today it has also signed up to Microsoft’s rival Bing platform, which reduces its exposure to a single partner.

CentralNic will report its full earnings May 15.

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Epik CEO tries to wriggle out of $327,000 refund lawsuit

Kevin Murphy, April 25, 2023, Domain Registrars

Epik CEO Brian Royce has filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit against him, as the company denies it defrauded a customer out of $327,000 in a botched domain purchase.

Royce was named alongside Epik companies and former CEO Rob Monster in a legal complaint last month by customer Matthew Adkisson, who had tried to buy the domain through Epik’s escrow service.

But Royce says he should be removed from the list of defendants because he wasn’t employed by Epik when the deal was inked last May. He became CEO in September 2022, after Monster stepped aside.

The motion to dismiss was filed as the companies — Epik, parent Epik Holdings, and sister company Masterbucks — simultaneous denied the allegations of fraud and racketeering, while admitting they still owe Adkisson money.

Epik admits Adkisson paid $327,000 for the domain, that he never received the domain, and that he is still owed a refund:

Defendants admit that the domain name has not been transferred to Adkisson. Defendants additionally admit that they intended, and still intend, to return Plaintiff’s funds that he had paid for the purchase of the domain name

Defendants admit that Epik owes Adkisson a refund of the $327,000 in funds he previously transferred to it

Monster, who is also named as a defendant and remains Epik’s majority shareholder, has not yet filed his answer to the complaint with the court, according to PACER records.

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Travel gTLD registry dumps three strings — NOT dot-brands

Kevin Murphy, April 20, 2023, Domain Registries

Future new gTLD application rounds will likely have three extra travel-related strings up for grabs, after the barely-precedented decision by a registry operator to dump three generic, non-branded strings.

Travel Reservations Srl, the registry owned by Despegar, one of South America’s largest online travel booking services, has told ICANN to tear up its contracts for .hoteles, .vuelos and .passagens.

These are the Spanish translations of “hotels” and “flights” and the Portuguese for “tickets” respectively. Despegar had also applied for the Portuguese .hoteis, but withdrew its bid before delegation.

None of the gTLDs ever launched and none had any registered domains. As such ICANN is not looking for a successor registry to protect registrants. The strings will be available to other applicants in future rounds.

Despegar never made any secret about the fact that it didn’t quite know what it wanted to do with its gTLDs when it applied in 2012, its applications noting that it would take a wait-and-see approach before making the domains available.

It waited, it saw, and a decade later it’s apparently decided it doesn’t want to operate these TLDs after all.

The fact that its termination notices were sent in January this year but dated November 6, 2020, may be indicative.

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Worried about governments seizing .com domains? Too late

Kevin Murphy, April 20, 2023, Domain Policy

Language proposed for Verisign’s .net registry contract that some say would give governments the ability to arbitrarily seize domains is already present in the company’s .com contract.

As I reported earlier this month, the .net Registry Agreement is up for renewal and ICANN has opened up some largely uncontroversial proposed changes for public comment.

ICANN has received two comments so far, both of which refer to what one commenter called the “outrageous and dangerous” proposed changes to Verisign’s .net Registry-Registrar Agreement.

The RRA is the contract all accredited registrars must agree to when they sign up to sell domains in a given TLD. For ICANN, it’s a way to vicariously enforce policy on registrants via registrars via registries.

Unsimply put, the RA instructs Verisign to have an RRA with its registrars that tells them what rules their registrants have to agree to when they buy a domain name.

The new language causing the consternation is:

Verisign reserves the right to deny, cancel, redirect or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain name(s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, as it deems necessary, in its unlimited and sole discretion:

to ensure compliance with applicable law, government rules or regulations, or pursuant to any legal order or subpoena of any government, administrative or governmental authority, or court of competent jurisdiction

One commenter states “this proposed agreement would allow any government in the world to cancel, redirect or transfer to their control applicable domain names”, adding “presumably ICANN staff and Verisign would want to also apply it to other extensions like .COM as those contracts come up for renewal”.

In fact, it’s the other way around. The exact same language has been present in Verisign’s .com contract for over three years, a change to Appendix 8a (pdf) that went largely unnoticed when thousands of commenters were instead complaining about the removal of price caps and fretting about the rise of Covid-19 around the world.

For those worried about the new .net language making it into the .com contract one day — worry not! It’s already there.

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Epik’s meltdown is a ticking time-bomb for ICANN

Kevin Murphy, April 18, 2023, Domain Registrars

There are many ways ICANN could eventually wind up shutting down flailing registrar Epik, but it might face a nightmare of its own when it does.

Epik appears to have been suffering from serious cash-flow problems for the last several months, with some customers still complaining this week that they haven’t been paid money owed as far back as September.

It’s facing a lawsuit by a customer who says he’s owed over $300,000 over a failed domain purchase, accusations that it’s been running its escrow service without the proper paperwork, and claims that current and former executives may have “embezzled” customer money.

It’s an absolute dumpster fire that so far shows little sign of being extinguished, but unfortunately there’s very little about the situation that appears to be in ICANN’s Compliance wheelhouse.

ICANN Compliance has the right to terminate a company’s accreditation — its ability to sell gTLD domains — if that registrar breaches the terms of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement that all registrars must sign.

The RAA does not cover the secondary market, or escrow or store credit services like Epik’s doomed “Masterbucks”.

Ironically, ICANN would stand a better chance of shutting Epik down if its Whois service crashed, or if the registrar for some reason failed to publish an abuse contact on its web site.

However, if Epik is treating its ICANN fees the same way customers say it’s treating their funds, it can expect a nastygram or six from Compliance, if it has not done so already.

Most cases where ICANN ultimately terminates a registrar’s accreditation begin when Compliance gets a note from the bean-counters that somebody hasn’t been paying their quarterly invoices.

Typically, this serves as a tip-off that the registrar is having problems, so Compliance audits the company to see where else it might be in breach, often discovering other minor or major infractions it can add to the docket.

Epik paid ICANN just shy of $150,000 in its last-reported fiscal year to June 30, 2022. If its current cash-flow problem has caused it to miss an ICANN payment in the three quarters since then, Compliance could be another very powerful creditor knocking at its door.

Another way ICANN could bring out the deaccreditation hammer is if Epik suffers unfavorable court rulings related to financial mismanagement. The RAA specifically allows termination if a court finds a registrar committed “fraud” or “a breach of fiduciary duty”.

The customer lawsuit Epik is currently facing could make such a finding, if it reaches trial and things don’t go Epik’s way.

Perhaps a more immediate concern is that the RAA contains another clause allowing termination if a registrar “is disciplined by the government of its domicile for conduct involving dishonesty or misuse of funds of others”.

I am not a lawyer, but I can see an argument being made that this might have happened already.

As Domain Name Wire reported in February, the Insurance Commissioner of Epik’s home state of Washington recently fined the company $10,000 for selling its DNProtect service as an “insurance” product without the proper licences.

Does this count as being “disciplined by the government of its domicile for conduct involving dishonesty”? Legally, I don’t know.

DNW reports in the same article that the Washington state attorney general has been tipped off about Epik’s escrow service, which is also a regulated industry in which Epik apparently does not have the necessary paperwork to operate.

I’m soothsaying here, of course, but any future disciplinary action from Epik’s local AG could well give ICANN Compliance another deaccreditation trigger to pull.

There are multiple excuses Compliance could find to shitcan Epik over the coming months, but let’s look at the downside for ICANN if it does.

Epik has built itself up in recent years as the go-to “free speech” registrar. It’s welcomed, even courted, multiple registrants that have had their domains banished from other registrars for their sites’ controversial content.

That pretty much always means “far-right” content, of course.

Most recently, it took the business of, a forum accused of allowing member to doxx and issue death threats against transgender rights activists.

It’s previously been associated with domains for similarly controversial registrants including Andrew Tate, Infowars, 8chan, Gab and The Daily Stormer.

When Monster was replaced by current CEO Brian Royce last September, the company made a big deal about how the new guy and the old guy were aligned on the free speech issue. Royce has subsequently echoed those thoughts.

Given the narrative Epik has created around itself, can you imagine how a certain section of the online public, namely the fringe of the American right-wing, would react if ICANN essentially shut down the “free speech registrar”?

ICANN has for many years faced misinformed criticism that it has the power to take down web sites it does not agree with, that it acts as a gatekeeper for the internet, that it is or risks becoming the internet’s “content police”.

If ICANN were to deaccredit Epik, removing its ability to sell most domain names, it would be incredibly easy to construct a narrative that a bunch of Californian liberals are trying to destroy “free speech” by taking down loads of right-leaning web sites.

It wouldn’t be true, of course, but the notion would only need to be propagated by a clueless Congressperson, a disingenuous podcast host, or a sustained social media campaign, before ICANN’s very raison d’être came under focus by people who don’t particularly care about facts.

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Epik customer exodus started when Monster quit

Kevin Murphy, April 18, 2023, Domain Registrars

Domain registrants started leaving Epik in droves when CEO Rob Monster quit last year and serious allegations of financial mismanagement emerged, an analysis of the numbers shows.

Epik’s total gTLD domains under management began to free-fall in September 2022, dropping by more than 70,000 by the end of the year, almost all as a result of customers transferring their domains to other registrars.

Data from registry transaction reports I compiled shows Epik peaking at around 808,000 domains across all gTLDs at the end of August, having gone up every month that year.

But DUM started tumbling when Monster quit and customers started reporting problems extracting funds from their accounts in mid-September. Epik dropped to 792,000 domains that month, with 780,000 in October, 767,000 in November and 733,000 at the end of the year.

Transfers from Epik to other registrars also went up in September, almost doubling from the 9,500 domains reported in August to 16,000, a level of customer bleed it maintained until December, when it rocketed up to almost 23,000.

Most of the losses were of course in .com, but .net, .org and .xyz also saw big downsides.

The drop in revenue won’t help the company extract itself from its current dire straits. It’s publicly admitted it’s having difficulty paying its customers, some of whom complain they’re owed tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Epik is facing a customer lawsuit, the prospect of a probe by its local state attorney general over its unlicensed escrow service, and recently had to shut down its unlicensed “insurance” service after a settlement with the Washington state insurance regulator.

Whoever runs its Twitter account has been pointing the finger of blame at Monster, saying the company, which it refers to as “Epik 2.0” is trying to move “out of a monster’s shadow”.

In recent days it’s tweeted reassurances that customers will eventually be made whole, legal threats against Monster (believed to still be non-executive chair) and, yesterday, expressions of a desire to “connect” with Monster and explore “alternative paths”.

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ICANN wants more newbies on its board

Kevin Murphy, April 17, 2023, Domain Policy

ICANN is planning changes to how its board of directors are picked, including new measures to get more community virgins around the table.

Under proposed new rules for its Nominating Committee, which chooses eight of the 20 directors, at least three directors at any given time would have to be “unaffiliated”.

The definition of “unaffiliated” is extremely broad, seemingly ruling out anybody who has ever had any professional involvement with the ICANN community whatsoever. Even people who have showed up at ICANN meetings on their employer’s dime would be excluded.

By my reckoning, only two of the current crop of eight NomCom appointees could possibly meet this definition, based on their biographies.

The new rules would give NomCom some flexibility in cases where it really can’t find an otherwise qualified director without any ICANN ties.

NomCom members would also get their own terms extended under the proposals, from one year to two, in order to improve institutional memory. Some current members would have their terms extended while others would not.

To tackle the same continuity issues, ICANN also wants to create a Nominating Committee Standing Committee — that’s right, an entity with two “Committees” in its name — to oversee the NomCom.

The four-person committee would be made up of former NomCom members and would be tasked with things like reviewing the previous hiring cycle and suggesting possible procedural changes. It would have no input on who gets hired and fired.

The proposals, which originate from a review that began in 2016, are open for public comment until May 29.

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AcornDomains bought by conference organizer

Kevin Murphy, April 17, 2023, Domain Services

The UK-focused domainer forum AcornDomains has been bought by the company that runs the fledgling London Domain Summit.

Domainer Helmuts Meskonis said he’s bought the site via his companies, Helmuts Limited and No Stress Limited, which also runs hosting company HostMaria.

Meskonis said he’s bringing on two more moderators — current community members — to “help ensure that the forum continues to be a friendly and safe place for everyone.”

He also hinted that prices for advertising and the optional premium membership fee may be going up.

Since he announced the deal on the forum on Saturday, feedback from users has been generally positive.

Meskonis is founder of the London Domain Summit, which held its inaugural event — a low-key affair at a restaurant — last year. He’s planning to run a second event this August.

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Uniregistry successor makes big pricing changes on two TLDs

Kevin Murphy, April 14, 2023, Domain Registries

Internet Naming Co is slashing thousands of dollars from the price of one of its TLDs and increasing the price of another by a similar amount.

The company, which took over nine former Uniregistry gTLDs last year, is reducing the wholesale price of .forum domains from $1,000 a year to a retail price of $39 a year, while increasing the wholesale price of .country domains from $20 a year to $2,000 a year.

CEO Shayan Rostam said that in the case of .country, existing registrants (there are fewer than 4,000 domains there today) will be grandfathered in at the old renewal and transfer prices.

He said the TLD will be relaunched with a new business model later in the year — it’s currently marketed as a country music TLD — and that he does not expect to sell many domains at the new higher pricing.

For .forum, which only has a few hundred regs today, a second sunrise period began this week. It will run until May 10 after which there will be a second Early Access Period until prices settle in general availability on May 17.

Rostam said the relaunch will accompany the release of thousands of reserved names, including all one, two and three-character domains, and a tiered pricing system for premium names.

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